30 Under 40 Contest

Terms and Conditions

  1. Eligibility

    The "30 Under 40" contest (the "Contest") is open to individuals who meet the following criteria:
    • Must be under the age of 40 as of September 1 of the contest year.
    • Must work in any sector of the hot tub industry, including but not limited to manufacturing, retail, service, distribution and marketing.
    • Must be nominated by a peer, employer, or industry professional, or may self-nominate.
    • Employees, officers, and directors of Kendrick Content and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

  2. Nomination Process
    • Nominations must be submitted through the official contest platform by April 30 of the contest year.
    • Each nomination must include the nominee's full name, company and a brief statement outlining their contributions to the hot tub industry.
    • Supporting materials, such as testimonials, work achievements, or industry recognition, are encouraged but not required.

  3. Entry Requirement
    • Nominees are not officially entered into the Contest unless they complete the full entry form by May 31.
    • Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

  4. Selection Process
    • The SpaRetailer editorial team evaluate entries based on criteria such as impact, innovation, leadership and contributions to the hot tub industry.
    • The top 30 individuals will be selected and notified by October 1 of the contest year.
    • The decision of the judges is final and binding.

  5. Awards and Recognition
    • Selected individuals will be featured in the October edition of SpaRetailer and may receive additional recognition through social media, press releases or industry events.
    • There is no monetary award associated with this recognition.
    • Winners may be asked to provide additional information or participate in promotional activities.
    • SpaRetailer reserves the right to revoke recognition at any time at its sole discretion.

  6. Use of Name and Likeness
    • By participating, nominees grant SpaRetailer the right to use their name, likeness and professional background in promotional materials, publications and announcements related to the Contest.

  7. General Conditions
    • SpaRetailer reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the Contest if unforeseen circumstances arise.
    • Participants agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions and all decisions made by Kendrick Content.
    • Any disputes related to the Contest will be governed by the laws of the state of Oklahoma.

  8. Contact Information

    For any questions regarding the Contest, please contact editorial@sparetailer.com.